Monday, April 23, 2007

Earth Day = Funsies

I love Earth Day. We (Nate, Lauren, Jeremy, Becka and I) had a fun picnic complete with sandwiches, fruit, chips, hummus and smoothies. We hung out under a couple of big trees in the shade and watched Dakota run around. I've decided there are some fun things we should plan for next year.

- I want a t-shirt that says "Hug a tree, it's Earth Day!"
- We can bring a frisbee to toss around.
- Tree climbing! :)
- Tree planting! One or two or three...
- A picnic basket...a big one.
- Crafts that involve recycling old stuff.
- Pictures...we did that this year too, but they're still a requirement.
- Etc. Because most everything follows these types of things.

Of course, you should avoid littering and recycle every day...Earth Day is the day you celebrate doing those things! Hooray for God's creation!

Monday, April 2, 2007

I have found
that the sky is not always
and at night
the stars don't always show

One sense fails & others flounder
Clouds come and clouds go
clarity is
fleeting and unreliable

grown up?
growing confusion

Who knows?
He knows

I hide behind the clouds