Ten. Got it? That's it.
We're jumping off that bridge with 100 Things About Me since I should go to bed (and I am a bit sleepy) but don't completely feel like it because that means tomorrow is almost here.
100 Things About Me, #1-10
1. Snow White is/was my favourite fairy tale. We're not necessarily talking Disney, I loved that story in whatever book it was in. I want to collect lots of pretty copies of it and have a whole shelf (or smallish bookcase) dedicated to it.
2. Les Miserables made me cry like a baby at the end. It is a very close second to Anna Karenina on my list of favourite books.3. My brother and I are complete opposites, but we are really close. We can talk about nerdy childish obsessions for hours (examples include Transformers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Latin).
4. I am really good at learning languages. There are quite a few I would like to actually practice and know enough to actually use them. Top five: Czech, German, French, Italian, Russian.
5. My favourite colour fluctuates constantly. Right now it might be red, before that it was green. I should just say they're all my favourite and leave it at that.
6. I'm obsessed with music. It is pure joy.
7. I suffered really badly with bipolar disorder and depression from high school all throughout college. I had really bad panic attacks and cut myself. When I gave it up to God He pulled me through, the tattoo on my left wrist is a name for Him over the spot I used to cut.
8. I hate doing things by myself, purely because of my incredibly social nature. I probably annoy my loved ones by getting needy when I'm not getting much socialization.
9. I'm not very good with affection. It takes awhile for me to get comfortable enough to hug someone (or things of that nature), I even weird out when people sit too close too me.
10. Do not bother me when I'm in the shower, it will not bode well for you. That's me time, and I will get really pissy if you try to interact with me in any way while I am trying to bathe.
That's your ten for today. Maybe we'll go beyond one hundred and I'll just do ten when I feel inclined to do so. It could be interesting to see what number I get to.
"Well she's fashionably lean
and she's fashionably late
she'll never rank a scene
she'll never break a date
but she's no drag
just watch the way she walks..."
--"Twentieth Century Fox," The Doors
This is such a smart way to do the "100 things about me" list.
I am intrigued by the contrasting nature of numbers 8 & 9...
Also: there are a lot of things I almost said about #7, things I related to, but I didn't feel like a blog comment was the place. Especially since they're things I haven't been able to tackle on my own blog yet.. I don't know, I just wanted to tell you that I admire your candid strength.
This morning I saw a phenomenal gospel choir performance, and thought the same thing as your #6. Music has a way of speaking to the soul!
i so identify with the music obsession and deoression bit!love your blog!
Thanks, pals!
Nicole: Yeah, I think it's just that I need lot's of that quality time to lead to getting closer to someone physically. And I look forward to hearing your story, I think I'll be tackling mine in more detail later...it's such a big part of who I am today.
Larissa: Awesome! It's so true, nothing stirs my emotions like the perfect mood matching melody!
Mona: Thanks!
#3I am the same way with my little brothers, haha.
#4 That is amazing, I am jealous of multi-lingual people, I wish I could pick up on them so easily.
#7 I admire you for sharing this and glad that you have grown and made it though it and the fact that your tattoo means something.
And I like how you started your list in pieces, I did that too, it's so much easier.
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