Wednesday, December 5, 2007

life from the couch

I'm not a fan of how December is starting off...I mean this month should be packed full of way more excitement than this. There's not much I can do about it being all pathetically sick on the sofa yesterday, today, and what looks like one more for the home stretch tomorrow.

But, my Mandarin Cashmere candle from Arbonne came in the mail today and made my day so much better. It's like heaven in it's simplicity and oh-so-lovely scent. I just adore it. Please excuse the shameless plug for my business, but this is why I love it so much (because the products are so incredibly amazing).

Plus, I don't know if I've told you, but our stuff is vegan so I don't have to worry about that.

Oh, hurray for the little happy things!

"I don't know what to say, so I'll just say what's in my heart: baboom, baboom, baboom." - Mel Brooks


nicole antoinette said...

I'm not a fan of the start of December either, seeing as how I've been on the couch sick for 3 days. Bleck.

Tomorrow will be a better day (hopefully)!

Becka Robinson said...

mmmm, mandarine cashmere, mmmmmm

Anonymous said...

i have also been sick ... hopefully we will all get better soon!

the candle sounds lovely :) i love candles and vegan, vegan is good.

Katelin said...

mmm mandarin cashmere sounds lovely, I can only imagine how good that smells mmmmm

Alexis said...

I know, you guys, it smells so, so wonderful...I wish I could give you a sniff over the internet!