I know I have stated it before, but I've been having some serious sleep issues. Getting to sleep and sleeping well are two things that have been completely eluding me for what feels like a very long time, but I'm not sure when it actually started.
And I'm sorry, my writing here has suffered, I feel. I know I'm usually remarkably more eloquent. My days off are spent with me feeling very drowsy and my days working are increasingly difficult because I'm sleepy. I have ideas and still feel creative and want to be active, but I get easily distracted and it all just kind of rolls downhill to a point where I'm just vaguely present and drifting off.
It's weird because I get sleepy and start to fall asleep at night, but then I move, turn off the light, or something simple and unexciting and all of a sudden I'm awake and have to wait until I get really sleepy. Then a lot of my nights have not been good sleep once I do manage to find my way to dreamland.
If you know anything that could help me that won't a) involve a bunch of medication (which, sleeping pills of any kind don't usually affect me at all, my doctor put me on Ambien once and it didn't do anything), b) cost me much money if any at all, or c) require alcohol because I can't have it in my house, I am open to your suggestions. Sad about the alcohol one because the one night that I slept so good I had had a couple glasses of wine, but I don't want to be dependent on that factor, of course.
It's frustrating, because I'd like to get some energy to focus on things like stepping it up with my writing and other creative endeavors, getting exercise (because, hello, I feel better inside and about myself when I get back to my ten-pounds-lighter self), and being able to function in social circles better. And my lack of real sleep has been hurting those things, big time (and in ways I'm not ready to talk about here yet).
So, let me know your helpful hints on getting some normal sleeping patterns...or call me and verbally kick my butt to get me to go work out or something. Thanks.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
To sleep, perchance to dream...
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It depends on the night for me, but sometimes putting in a movie or turning on the TV helps me get to sleep. Usually, if I can't sleep, it's because my mind is still racing from the stuff that's been happening all day, and giving myself something to distract my head helps a lot. Of course, you can't watch something you REALLY want to see the end of! :)
Sometimes I "Hail Mary" or "Our Father" over and over and over and eventually I fall asleep without realizing it.
Sometimes a margarita is the perfect cure:) But it sounds like that might not be feasible for you.
Good luck. I know how sleeplessness is. No fun!
Um I never have problems sleeping because I'm a sleep-a-holic basically. But other people I know have used those sound machines that have like running water or "nature sounds" to help them sleep and I've heard good things.
Good luck!
I have sleep issues too. I've found that it really helps if I stop doing anything too visually stimulating (computer, TV etc.) about 40 minutes before bed. Taking baths also helps. But the thing that helps me the most is exercising during the day. If I work out/am active, I sleep so much better.
I had this problem too. I exercise and increased my vitamin intake which helped drastically.
oh this post i could relate to very much. i just wrote a post about my own sleeping issues last week i think it was.
i'm so sorry you're having trouble sleeping. it seems so unfair, doesn't it, when we're not allowed even this little bit of peace? i learned that reading or trying to watch a movie as i laid in bed helped (definitely not tv though. something about it's ... buzzing ... but tv does not = peaceful rest). something engaging enough that it kept my attention but not so engaging it kept me awake for too long. i hate to say it - but chick flicks and chick lit was the best. =)
I actually saw my first glimpse of Dr. Who today when I saw the marathon in my guide channel. Sadly, Dr. Who lost out to Bring it On: All or Nothing (HaHaHaHa) but from what I saw, looked good.
Thanks everyone, I will probably try some of those.
And Becka, you should have watched. It was the first season, but I mean, if you want to we can watch it on DVD! ;)
I too have huge sleep issues. My major issue right now is a little person with a big appetite. Though I have to tell you that weirdly enough, getting up in the middle of the night to feed a baby is more of an honor than a chore.. Totally different issue. But, I have had trouble sleeping as long as I can remember. This is what works for me... Melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that your body makes naturally at night. You can make sure you turn the lights down about an hour before bed and that will cue your body to make it. But, you also can buy it in pill form at a health food store or even walmart. And even better... There have been tests done on lab rats and the rats that they gave Melatonin lived 25% longer.
I'm straight up comatose after several glasses of wine. Greatest sleep of my life. But I totally understand that we should not rely on THAT for some shut-eye. Heehee.
As for the gym...I say just go very easy at first, just to get back into the habit. That's what I've been doing since the first of the year. Most times I've tried to get in shape, I start out doing too much, trying too hard, and I get burned out. If you think about it, even if you're just walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes a few times a week: it's exersize. It's something. Just start out slow and then build up to more!
Good luck with it...we'll see if I can follow my own advice...
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