Monday, April 28, 2008


I have been working, really and completely literally, every single day and will be until Saturday.  And even when I am not working, I have things to do and people to see...Saturday the little brother is graduating and all that fanfare will occur.

And then there's the guy.  He's pretty much fantastic and we are loving every minute of being together...

So, this is just a briefing to say that I have lots to tell you and beautiful things to write about but I have really not had the time (and well, haven't had much ambition to when I'm off hanging out with him).

So, lovelies, I'll talk to you soon...



Katelin said...

Oh man you're a busy woman. But good luck getting it all done. And a guy? I'm intrigued, ooooh, haha.

nicole antoinette said...

Stop it. I want to know EVERYTHING!!

Anonymous said...

Ditto Nicole!

Are you still going to London?!

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

yay theres a him!!! I love "him's" said...

this has gotta be the cutest post i've ever read :)