Remember those crazy stripper heels that I told you about? I almost forgot that I got the pictures and needed to let y'all see 'em:
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
long-ago-promised pictures
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I'm back!
I turned twenty-four on the twenty-third, and while I'd like to say that my posts from here on out will be reflecting that with newfound wisdom and greater maturity but I just can't bring myself to do that to you.
I didn't really want to turn twenty-four. It wasn't an issue of feeling old (because, hello, it's not old until next year when I'm all "oh no, I'm almost to thirty and I'm going to die..."). Basically, twenty-three was just a really good year, I really liked being twenty-three. It was cool, I turned twenty-three on the twenty-third last year and that was awesome and I thought nothing would be as special on this year's birthday.
I know, I make no sense and I'm a weird-o.
But, this birthday was almost too much fun. Because this year there was continual celebration, hanging out with friends and having them buy me lunch or a drink the week of. And then not one, but two crazy-good-time parties over the weekend (and I mean very crazy-good-time). It's possible that I did a few things that were not the kinds of things I would normally do, but I think birthdays do that to you. One of my friends did a keg-stand on her last birthday, and that is definitely not something she would do most days of the year (no, I didn't do a parties were out on the town so there wouldn't have been an opportunity even if I had wanted to).
I really don't think I would change anything. I had a fabulous time, with fabulous people.
The past couple of weeks have been really busy with all of the birthday festivities, training at the new place of employment, and other random acts of my life, so I haven't been able to keep up with all the blogging activities lately. I'm hoping to catch up on all the regular reads though and make time to post more often!
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008
A week?
A week from my last post? I am actually really surprised, I've totally been neglecting all the blogging activities I love.
I've just been super busy and the schedule has been all over the place. Once it evens out and gets steady again I'll be back full force, promise!
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Thursday, February 14, 2008
On Valentine's Day
While you might think, that as a single gal, I might be ready to rail against the "day of love" and all the happily matched couples I see day to day. You may have thought that I'd be all "Valentine's Day is the bane of my existence as the last single girl in my circle of friends."
But, my dear friends, I am not.
I simply sit here, after a long day of sitting at Panera training for the Apple store, sipping wine and watching TV with my mother. Today was long mostly because I am still recovering from being so-sick-I-thought-I-was-dying and the wine is good because it was a long day and my mom and I are able to drink it because my father is absent (no wine with dad in the house, story to come later...maybe).
And I don't hate Valentine's Day today, for so many reasons.
One being that, well, I almost forgot it was today -- until my (guy) friend came into work and jokingly told me another guy was going to be his Valentine.
Two being that I'm just not a huge fan of the day on the flip-side, when I'm in a relationship. I just remember that V-Day was just a lot of pressure. Pressure to have the "perfect date" and get the sweetest gift. It robbed it of fun, which is the core of romance for me. It was nice, but lacked the spontaneity that I also find necessary to romance, to enjoying the love and care you have for the lover you're sharing it with.
It was just another day, but with a bunch of stress attached for no real reason.
So I suppose you could say that I'm just indifferent to the whole "holiday."
And one day, when I am once again attached to a guy, we will agree to just have fun on February fourteenth. We will exchange gifts that will not exceed the agreed limit of five dollars, order pizza and watch Die Hard. Because if it's a day all about love, it should be spent with someone you love with things you love. No pressure.
Besides, my birthday is nine days after Valentine's Day and is much more important. Save your money.
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Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Things I Learned From My Mother
Laugh often and when you do, don't hold back with girlish giggling or chuckling under your breath. Laugh loud, heartily, and with your whole body.
Standing up does not require walking out. Strength and beauty are revealed in what it takes for you to stay, more often than not.
Change is the responsibility of the one who needs it, and you should not twist yourself into knots in order to work around someone who won't.
If you got it, flaunt it.
Being true to yourself is always more important than doing what is popular. Real friends might be fewer that way, but they will be better in quality.
Whining is annoying and unattractive.
You are always capable of more than you think.
Power tools are fun.
Ask questions, always (although, teaching us to question everything probably backfired a little).
There are really only a select number of people that can tell you what to do, so don't take orders from just anyone.
Wine cannot solve any problems, but it does provide a temporary solution. Because some days need an ending with a glass of wine.
"Help" is not that kind of four letter word.
Independence is sexy.
When you do anything, do it right. On time, efficiently, and to the best of your ability.
Never apologize for being yourself, however free-spirited, sarcastic, opinionated, spontaneous, lacking in seriousness, or somewhat crazy that may be.
There's a reason cars have turning signals.
Trying something new, be it food, adventures, or relationships, always deserves a fair shot.
Just don't tell your father.
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Sunday, February 10, 2008
Oh, Mr. Darcy
Colin Firth did it the best. I haven't even seen the new Pride and Prejudice because I am so attached to the old A&E version, with Mr. Firth among others. And I am watching the old favourite right now, wishing I talked like that and could be fancy everyday. I have to admit that I'm actually most partial to Colonel Brandon from Sense and Sensibility in character, though.
Alas, I sit here on the couch once again attempting to suppress my body's apparent desire to hack up a lung and have my sinuses implode (fantastic image, no?). Because, my friends, I think I have contracted emphysema, the black lung, or both. Maybe it's the plague? Or influenza? Or pneumonia? No, it's just another upper-respiratory infection with sinus pressure, like always. Like I always get when I've been incredibly stressed, my immune system is taking a vacation, and at least one child at work has been sick. Still, it's not like I don't wash my hands frequently or have started a habit of rubbing snotty Kleenex all over myself.
In other news that is of the "good" variety, I start a new job at the Apple store on Thursday. I'm very excited and looking forward to start training. I have two friends that work there (who were nice enough to sing my praises/tell people I'm cool and help me get the job) so I'm not going in as nervous as one who doesn't know anyone. So wish me luck and good times as I start working at one of my favourite places in the mall! Hopefully this cough will mostly be gone and no one there will think I've been smoking five packs a day since I was nine...
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Friday, February 8, 2008
Ok, so I've been on Technorati for a bit now and while I don't pay close attention to it or anything I logged on today to find my "authority" had gone up. I clicked on it to check it out and found that some site had linked to my post about being high maintenance, only they hadn't referenced my blog's name properly or anything (but they link to right to the post on Paper Wings just fine). It's weird.
Here's the link to it:
So what do I do? I don't even know how to feel about it...
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Sunday, February 3, 2008
Would you date you?
I always have the most interesting conversations with my friend, Amy. She's really cool and one of those friends you always want at your party.
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