Sunday, February 3, 2008

Would you date you?

I always have the most interesting conversations with my friend, Amy.  She's really cool and one of those friends you always want at your party.

Talking to her today we got onto the whole single-hood issue.  Two single twenty-something girls, it's bound to come up.  The thought was this: I don't think I'd want to date the person I was a year ago, or before that.

I mean, going through the things you do, "growing-up," or just "finding yourself."  Everyone has to deal with that stuff, figure it all out, go on their voyage of self-discovery.  I know I wasn't in a place where starting a relationship would have been the wisest thing.  I'm actually glad I didn't end up with someone, it would not have ended well.

I would totally date me now, though.

There were a lot more things she and I talked about, that would take a much longer blog to explain.  Seeing as I'm not dating right now I'm sure I'll be able to work them in to a later post about being all, "I am woman," or even, "I'm gettin' kinda lonely."  Whatever side of the fence I'm on that day...

How about you, my bloggy friends, would you date you?

P.S. I'm a bit distracted today, can you tell?


courtney said...

I would date me! I would!

Now I just need to convince a worthwhile boy to date me too...

moxie said...

I wouldn't date me, but I'd definitely have sex with me. Actually I'd probably date, marry, divorce, and remarry me. I'm complex though.

Chele said...

I would definitely date me, and sure as hell have sex with me. But I would have to get her interest first

And if I was a man smart enough I would even marry me and never let me go... ;)

Traci Anne said...

Dude, I'd totally date me. I might get a little frustrated when I get moody, but other than that, totally.

Anonymous said...

very interesting question - love thinking about it.

i dont know if i'd have the patience to date me. luckily, however, my boyfriend does!

brandy said...

I waver. Part of me thinks 'absolutely! I'm a riot!', but then (the more calm part of me, the part that likes watching nature documentaries) thinks 'are you kidding? you would hate that!'. So it's a tossup really. But I really do like this question.

BB said...

Gah, that's actually a tough question...but I think I would ;)

Becka Robinson said...

Hell yeah, and I'd totally bang me too. Have you not seen my ass? ;)

Katelin said...

I'm pretty sure I would date me. I would drive myself crazy though, haha. I'm a little too random to handle sometimes.

K. said...

I don't think I would.

And that makes me a little sad.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm happily married ... so that might be cheating if I said I'd date myself???

nicole antoinette said...

I love blog posts that actually make me think, and that my dear is exactly what you've done. Like Brandy, I waver, because I don't think I could handle the bipolarness etc., but on the other hand I'm all "psh. I'm so sexy and awesome."

Haha :)

-Papa said...

Would I date me? Sorry, I don't go that way. :P

Dana said...

No, I'm too old.

Alexis said...

Wow, I didn't expect to get such emphatic response...I guess I struck an interesting chord!

Y'all are all awesome, and I love all of these answers!