Fantastically huge fight with my mom tonight. It's just one of those things that has to happen every now and then...really. We're those people that don't bother with problems until we blow up.
I've been very frustrated and angry with her and my family lately. I live with them right now, and communication has been lax so we're driving each other crazy. Everyone wants me to move out, mostly me. Unfortunately, the financial ability that that requires is not really available to me right now. So, we got down to just aiming for it...saving and budgeting and whatnot a little more tightly.
Moving out means so much more than paying rent. There are so many things that my parents pay for while I'm living at home, and once I'm out they stop paying for. To name a few big things:
-Gas money (I actually pay that now, but it's such a big deal these days with price of it being what it is)
-Car insurance (mine will be fairly cheap, but still more for me than what I pay now seeing as I'm not the one taking care of it)
-Credit card payments (used it for books and assorted emergencies and such in college, credit sucks)
-Student loan payments (why did I even bother with school?)
-All those things like oil changes, internet, blah blah blah
-Stocking the apartment (I don't have much furniture or dishes to my name, anything like that)
Some of these things my parents might still help with, but none of them are the things higher up on the list. My dad would be the type to bring me groceries just because he was already making a trip, or get my oil changed because he doesn't think I know how, or give me furniture just to do that. But basically, I'd be getting close to spending about the same amount I make in a month on those things.
A big thing is that I'm not interested in roommates. I'm really burnt out on living with other people and I'm really feeling the need for my own space for once. If I move in with someone at this point, I want it to be because we said some marriage vows and will be coming back from a honeymoon. Honestly, if I have to wait a little while for the luxury of my own place that only me and Bluebell call home, so be it...I'll be saving up.
So, my business is pretty crucial to me right now. I've gotta be building my team and selling some stuff so I can get this freedom I'm so interested in. That was one of the main goal anyway...
On a side blog needs more pictures. I'm going to try and do something about that. I should keep my camera with me and share my inspiration...
Saturday, September 22, 2007
having it out
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