But these questions are so hard! Seriously, I should probably take even more time to think about them, but hey, I like to live life on the edge.
Deutlich: What's your one do-over moment? You know, the kind where afterwards you thump yourself on the head and ask, "Why did I just do that?!"
Oi, I have to pick just one? I think, ultimately anytime I said something that was false to who I am. I have done that a lot...and that is a bit of a vague answer...but those are the types of things that I really regret. It's those types of things that have kept people from really knowing me. It has happened a lot at times I'm really nervous around a stupid guy, and if I had just been totally and completely true to myself they would have actually liked me so much better (and perhaps, I wouldn't be quite so single). There is actually one in particular that comes to mind, and I just really wish I had been myself entirely around this guy because I think we would at least be much better friends than we are now. But, I was not long out of a bad break-up and had to rediscover that for myself a bit. Still...
Molly: What is the most beautiful drive you've ever taken?
I went to college eight hours away from my home. I didn't have my own car and so I had to find someone to take me with them or fly when the holidays came around. There was a girl in a couple of my classes that I knew lived in Daytona, which is only about an hour and a half away from Orlando, so I asked if I could ride with her and her sister and then have my parents come get me there. The first time around it was all three of us and I slept in the backseat pretty much the whole way (I tend to fall asleep and stay that way during all types of travel). But the second time it was just me and her, for eight hours, alone in the car together. We talked the whole time. We talked about everything, ranging from deep thoughts and ideas to complete silliness and goofiness. We ended up having so much in common and made each other laugh so easily that the eight hours flew by. And that happened every time we rode home and back together after that. I would say that second time when we were just the two of us was the most beautiful drive ever for me because that was the one where I got to know one of the most amazing women in my life. I've driven though a lot of different places, but that girl is my absolute best friend to this day and she knows me better than anyone. Nostalgic and kind of cheesy, yes, but I don't care.
Katelin: Who was your first kiss and would you kiss that person again?
Um...I don't really remember so it must not have been special. I think the first official kiss was probably during a "truth or dare" game and wasn't anything "serious." The first one I ever actually remember was the boy I dated a little bit in high school. It was really cute, I was mid-sentence because I talk so much and he went for it. It wasn't a big sloppy kiss, it was a nice little first one. I suppose I would kiss him again...but I don't know what he's like now because I haven't seen him in years so only if he's just as cool if not cooler than before.
Katelin: Have you ever been streaking? If so, where?
No, I haven't. I think the closest to streaking I would ever come to would be...um...nothing...I'm kinda boring that way.
Katelin: If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, what movie would it be?
I can never answer these types of questions to my own satisfaction. At least you didn't say, "on a deserted island." Hmm...seriously, I've been sitting here for about twenty minutes pondering this question. I think I'm going to say...ah...dang it...um...Rent? Runners up: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Snow White, Enchanted, Empire Records, Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl, The Emperor's New Groove... I really hope that never happens to me and I really have to choose just one forever.
Larissa: What activity most invokes creativity in your life? And why?
Oh...everything. I think just the act of observation would be the one thing that invokes the creativity. I'm a really perceptive person, I feel like I notice everything. And everything gets me thinking. And once my brain goes off on a tangent things can get a little crazy. It's why I carry my journal with me everywhere, because I always need it to write down or sketch out things that I see or start thinking. I end up with all sorts of ideas all the time. I need to do better about getting them on paper and then following through with them though, because ideas not practiced aren't doing anybody any good. Excellent question.
Courtney: You want to move to London, so is there one specific thing about that city (a landmark, certain people, opportunities unique to it, etc.) that excites you most about the possible move?
Oh gosh, there's so much! Let's go with the things you listed, because that way I don't have to say just one thing.
A landmark - I think Big Ben really excites me because it's pretty much the big distinguishing landmark and all. However, personally, all the little places excite me even more. Places like the parks, pubs, markets, etc. Underground London, if you will, that only the real Londoners know has got to be the coolest part. Oh, and pretty much all the places seen in Doctor Who (she said with a sly smile).
Certain people - The locals! People with cool accents! Famous British people! And possibly...some sexy older British man to sweep me off my feet (she said with a laugh).
Opportunities - Because I plan to study fashion the opportunities in London make it one of the perfect places to study that. It's one of the big fashion cities alongside New York, Milan, and Paris. Plus, when looking at the "working world" there, it is a desirable location for the fact that unemployment there is very low and people "move up" in their jobs fairly easily (I did a little research).
Etc. - I've discovered over the past year quite the Anglophile in myself. I love the BBC, lots of my favourite actors are English, I spell a lot of my words that way because most of the types of books I've always read use that type of spelling (I seriously didn't know any better until middle school when we left Germany), I love the accents, and on and on.
Distracted Spunk: If you could ever relive one moment, what would it be?
Well there's the one I won't talk about (you know a girl's gotta have a few secrets). But I'd say the other one would be choosing to move to Orlando with my family before my senior year of high school. I often wish I had stayed in Panama City with a family there just for that year so I could have gone to school and graduated with my friends. I ended up in Orlando homeschooling, which I dropped out of to take my GED. I know a year is more than one moment, but the decision happens in a moment, I suppose.
A good one I'd like to relive and pretty much change nothing was being in my best friends wedding and seeing her so happy. She was standing by the door in all her splendour as we, the bridesmaids and groomsmen, were about to walk down the aisle and she was just beaming. It was awesome, the ceremony was perfect and everything was wonderful that day. It was one of those day full of moments like the happy scenes from Rent or the final We Go Together scene from Grease.
NicoleAntoinette: If you had to have a personal theme song for your life, what would it be?
I'm assuming you mean in the sense that it's the song that plays when I walk into the room...
I work well with top fives - in no particular order -
1. Crazy by Alana Davis
2. She by Elvis Costello
3. The Rock Show by Blink-182
4. Medication by Derek Webb
5. Twentieth Century Fox by the Doors
*List subject to change once I sit down and give it more serious thought than previously done. I take these kinds of questions very seriously. A friend of mine once told me that my song was Livin' La Vida Loca but I feel that I can do better than that with these...but that one might have fit too.
Chelsea Talks Smack: What makes you cry? Ya know that one thing, that no matter the time, place etc. you get a lump in your throat and can't help it.
Not much. I hate crying, really, really hate it. I've never been the type to cry in public or be moved to tears easily (or even not easily, whatever that means). However, if for some sadistic reason you wanted to make me cry right away you would have to...um...just get me really worked up and so frustrated and angry that I can't talk. Usually my family are the only ones capable of this when I feel like they just aren't listening and they do that one thing that I have asked not to be done five gajillion times up until that point and then I just snap and scream incoherently because I can't take it anymore. You would really have to commit to it if you wanted to make me cry "all of a sudden."
Chelsea Talks Smack: Betty or Veronica?
I say Betty, I don't think Veronica would like me very much. Betty would be cool and friendly as long as you weren't after Archie, Veronica would just act better than you no matter who you were.
Chelsea Talks Smack: Ginger or Maryanne?
I don't think I've ever actually watched an episode of Gilligan's Island, so I have to pick at random. I hear Ginger is the really nice one so we'll go with her. I'll bet we'd have fun.
Dana: What is your idea of the perfect church? I mean, obviously it isn't possible but if it was, what would it look like?
I read a story once about a man that was allowed to see both heaven and hell, guided by an angel. The angel took the man to hell first, where all the people were at a long table piled high with scrumptious, delicious looking food. But because all the people were chained and heavily shackled, they couldn't eat and looked absolutely miserable, skinny and starving. So then the angel took the man to heaven, where he saw the exact same thing, people at a big feast chained together. But this time all the people were laughing and smiling and full of joy, everyone looked healthy. The man told the angel he didn't understand, what made the people in heaven different so that they had such joy despite the chains and shackles? The angel told the man he needed to look closer. When the man did so, he saw that the chains allowed the people to feed the person next to them and everyone served their neighbor at the table, so everyone got to eat their fill. That's what I think of when I think of the perfect church, everyone serving one another and not consumed with themselves. Where the focus isn't on programs and "supposed to." A place that is really accepting and open...and not political. And everyone would be unafraid to bring their song, their words, their gifts to the table for worship because no one would say that they weren't allowed to use what they have as an act of glorifying God. It would be cool.
Amazing question...a little tough though!
Becka: If you could listen to one song on repeat for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Seriously, you of all people know that that is an unanswerable question! I couldn't do it, I would shrivel up and be no more.
Becka: Which runway fashion trend do you wish you could pull off in everyday life? (ie. socks with heels)
Other than being really tall and thin? I'd say...the colour yellow. I can't wear yellow, but I've loved so many of the things that I've seen in that colour and it was a bit of a trend.
Becka: What is your favorite quote or line from a movie and why?
"The opposite of war isn't peace, it's creation" - Mark, Rent. Yes, Rent, was on Broadway first, but it's a movie now too with ninety percent of the original cast so it qualifies completely. It's my favourite line because it's just...so true.
"Oh, what are we gonna need the f****** rope for?" - Boondock Saints, because that part is so, so funny and shouldn't make me laugh the way that it does.
"Shame on me for kissing you with my eyes shut so tight" - That Thing You Do, I don't remember the name of the character, but Liv Tyler plays her. It's such a good "I'm sad we're breaking up, but you suck," break-up line. I can so relate.
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams" - Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory...I always smile when he says that.
And, etc...
Wishcake: If you could reinvent yourself, what would you change?
I would be about two inches taller with less fat (more "tone" if you will). Really though, I think the main thing would be giving myself more of an ability to follow through on things. Like I said before, I tend to be more "idea" than anything. I think I'm getting a lot better at that, at least trying to be conscious of it. I'd also want to make myself completely devoid of stage fright and a little more outgoing (I'm not terribly shy, but I don't always go out of my way to meet people). Oh, and I'd be more funny.
Wishcake: What words or phrases do you overuse on a daily basis?
Seriously? I mean, I guess I say shut up, fairly often when I hear something crazy. And I am constantly shouting No! because I work with tiny humans...but I can't think of anything...
Wishcake: What is one of your silliest pet peeves?
Most of mine are probably really silly. One of the silliest is probably how much I hate when people just say "Panama City" for "Panama City Beach." They're right next to each other, but the beach is the beach and you have to cross a bridge from the city to get there. Just like Disney World isn't technically in Orlando, it's in Kissimmee, and I technically live in an Orlando suburb. Poor Geography education...it gets to me.
Wishcake: If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
That is tough, because I love every last piece of my name. If I had to change it, I would want it to be just as unique, let's do another top five (also in no particular order).
1. Adelie
2. Ophelia
3. Aster
4. Bryna
5. Stella
Wishcake: Mustard or mayo?
Mayo is gross (plus I really can't have it as a vegan), so mustard all the way...sparingly.
That was tough, y'all. I should have done more top fives, because I'm quite fond of them (one of my favourite things about High Fidelity). Very good questions though. I would end on some song lyrics or something...but this post will be long enough without.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
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Good Answers.
I think its interesting you don't cry often....and pretty bad ass.
I'm like a constant leak. lol. Tears run like wine in my house. Wine runs more...but tears are damn close.
Oh very good answers. I love that you answered them all. :)
And great movie choices, I love all of your picks.
I have to say, I love that story about the "perfect church". Very inspiring. Exactly what I would have said. It's unfortunate how much politics consumes everything in this world. It's can't ever be just selfless love, you know? Ah, well.
And I adore the name Stella. It always makes me want to yell out, "STELL-LAAAA!" But, just the same, I totally love it.
I enjoyed reading your answers to all the questions! I may have to steal your idea one of these days.
loved the hell outta that
Thanks, y'all! :)
I love you and your responses to these!
I carry a journal everywhere too. AND need to also learn how to do better follow through.
And I am a HUGE High Fidelity fan!
I think you answered my question beautifully. I remember that story too about heaven and hell. I wonder if we both came across that at PA. I think I might copy your answer and post in on my blog. I assume you don't mind since this all public. I'll give you the credit. I'm proud of who you are Alexis. I also wish that you could have been in PC for your senior year. I'm glad that we can still keep in touch. Oh and the Mexico trip.. Also my longest car (bus) ride. I plan on never going that far in a car again!!
Love you
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