Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I have a low tolerance for stupidity, so my forty minute plus commute (both ways) is obviously a bit taxing on my nerves everyday. Yesterday I was at a complete stop in a 65 mph zone, I thought I was going to hurt someone.

I understand that traffic back-ups don't necessarily mean that someone is being stupid...but let's think about that. If traffic is caused by an accident, there's a strong chance it was brought about by someone being dumb or not paying attention. If traffic is caused because of what's going on with movement on the on/off ramps, people need to smarten up and learn how to merge. And if traffic is caused because someone is just going too slow in the left lane, then seriously, quit being stupid and remember that the left lane is the fast lane for passing slow people like you.

My biggest pet-peeve, however, is that people do not use their turning signals. Is it really that hard? It's a lever that you push in the direction you want to go and then I will KNOW that you are coming into MY LANE right in front of me. And I can also prepare for the possibility of you slowing down once you do so.

I hate driving, unless I'm the only one on the road...and even then I'd rather let someone I trust do it.

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