Numbers 21-30
21. I have the biggest crush on Hyde from That 70s Show. I am fully aware that he is a made-up character on a T.V. show, but I'm seriously in love with him.
22. I probably could have just made a list of all the OCD things that I do instead of this list. It's pretty bad (not nearly the worst), but I've gotten really good at hiding how panicked I get when I somehow get prevented from doing those things or someone does them wrong.
23. If you've ever heard of the "love languages," mine are giving/receiving gifts and acts of service. If you want to show me you love me get me a little something that made you think of me or get my oil changed for me. If I get you little things or do your dishes, I'm totally crazy about you.
24. I own Hotel Rwanda on DVD but haven't actually watched it yet. I want to. There just hasn't been a time that I've had the time to prepare myself to sit down and watch it. I will though.
25. I love the scent of beer and smoke (from cigarettes, or another form of tobacco) on a man. Beer, I've been told is not so strange but cigarettes is apparently really weird. Sometimes if I wear my jacket into a smoky bar I won't wash it for a little bit so I can sniff it for a
couple days. Should I smoke a cigarette myself (very rarely), I'll be holding those two fingers up to my nose for hours later. There is no apparent reason for this.
26. I really can't deal with scary movies. I've had friends spend the night with me after scary movies because I couldn't be by myself (usually because somebody said some movie wasn't all that scary and they were really lying).
27. I was in modeling and acting classes all throughout middle school and well into high school.
28. I love grapefruit juice. I drink Ocean Spray 100% Juice and love it. I didn't at first but after a very short time I started getting little cravings for it. Now I go through bottles of it a little too quickly, I'm sure.
29. I want to go on a kayaking trip. The kind that takes a week or so, just hanging out on a river. I used to work in an outdoors store and it really made me want to take trips like that. I loved that job.
30. I still have hiking boots from that job that I've never really gotten to use. I won them in a boot fitting competition. We did custom boot fittings and I rocked the face off that contest and now those beautiful prize boots sit on a shelf in my closet.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
and the list goes on
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On #22: I have to look behind me twice when getting off the subway to make sure I didn't drop something on the seat or the floor. I get SO panicked if for some reason I can't do this.
I watched Hotel Rwanda with my old housemate. I would recommend watching it with someone else because there are parts that made me want to hide behind the couch till it was over.
Dude. Hotel Rwanda is INTENSE. But good. but intense.
on the subject of horror movies... I hate it when people assure me a movie isn't really that scary. Uh. YEAH IT WAS.
but eww on the cigarette/beer smell. ew. just... ew.
I LOVE the smell of beer on scruffy freaking hot. And the smoke smell is growing on me. It's gotta be an attractive man though. :)
I'm jealous of your love languages. Mine are quality time and physical touch, which are just fine, but I wish I was more natural at acts of service...what a great way to love people!
#28. trader joe used to have a grapefruit soda in a bright yellow can with green piping and "trader geotto" or something on it(i think it was supposed to be trader joe's "italian cousin"). my boyfriend and i were OBSESSED. they came in packs of 6 and we'd often go and buy 10 packs at a time. then, this past july, we went back to stock up again and they were GONE. and an employee told us that trader joe's had discontinued it. and then i cried for ages.
it was the first time i took the idea of emailing and starting an online petition to "bring it back! the drink! come on!" seriously.
Nicole: I know, it's such an awful, sickening feeling. I mean, that's what makes it an OCD thing I guess...
DS: Yeah, I think that's another reason I haven't watched it yet. I don't really want to be by myself when I do! :)
Sassybelle: Yeah, a lot of people have that reaction to my scent fetish...haha. ;)
Becks: Good point, the guy does need to be attractive! :)
Larissa: Aw, I actually wish I was better at touching!
Damsel: Did they bring it back? I'd wanna try that! :)
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